Asparagus is a vegetable that are expensive
are included in the Lily family. Besides
delicious taste, nutritional content
in them is quite a
lot. Asparagus is also beneficial
and nutritious for the body, one
can improve the performance of the kidneys.
Nutrient Content of Vegetables Asparagus
Vegetables Asparagus is usually boiled or contrived juice
is rich nutrient such as vitamin C, vitamin
E, vitamin B6,
calcium, magnesium, zinc, protein, vitamin
A, vitamin K,
thiamine, riboflavin, rutin, niacin, iron, phosphorus, potassium, copper, manganese,
and selenium, as
well as rich in natural fibers
which can launch the
digestive system. Vegetables Asparagus
also contains low
calories, contains no fat or
cholesterol, and contains
little sodium.
In the vegetable asparagus also contained much folic
acid. Folic acid may
help facilitate getting pregnant.
In addition, folic acid is very useful
for pregnant women and fetuses, to protect neural tube
defects in babies. Continue to
consume vegetables asparagus
after birth will
also facilitate the production of mother's milk.
Efficacy and Asparagus Benefits for Health
1. Asparagus benefits as a laxative urine (diuretic)
Asparagus shoots
have pharmacological effects as a laxative urine (diuretic).
Asparagus contains
asparagine amino acid
that has a strong diuretic effect. toxins
will be wasted through urine discharge current.
This positive effect to
rid the body of harmful substances
that cause disease. The patients with renal
impairment is recommended to eat asparagus
to facilitate the disposal of urine. So that it can to
reduce the burden on the kidneys that
is not too heavy.
2. Asparagus benefits
to Maintain Digestive Health
Vegetables Asparagus contains inulin. the
carbohydrates that can not be digested by the body. These fibers can reach the
colon without enzymatic reaction, which can serve as a probiotic.
Presence of inulin on the intestinal microflora
increases the useful life for the digestive process, including bacteria Bifidobacteria
sp. and Lactobacillus sp.
3. Asparagus Benefits
for Blood Pressure Maintaining Stability
With low levels of salt, vegetable asparagus
is very good for maintaining blood pressure.
Additionally, asparagus is an excellent
source of potassium. For patients with hypertension, elevated levels of potassium
is very useful because it will increase the ratio between potassium and sodium
will lower blood pressure.
4. Asparagus Efficacy
for Overcoming Skin Disorders and Allergies
Asparagus is a vegetable that appropriate
to address the itching in the baby's body. Properties owned vegetable base will
clean the blood acidic one cause of allergies. For those of you who suffer from
eczema, asparagus can be used as a natural remedy. Your blood will be clean, so
eczema (dermatitisekzema) you suffered will fade away.
5. Asparagus Efficacy to Prevent Anemia
Asparagus also
contains a lot of iron. Iron is required by the body in the formation of red blood cells. Iron deficiency will cause body weakness, headache,
and diminished outlook
as one of the symptoms of anemia.
Many foods that contain iron. However, you should choose plant foods because it is safer for consumption. Asparagus is one of the tasty nutritious meals that you need to consider.
Many foods that contain iron. However, you should choose plant foods because it is safer for consumption. Asparagus is one of the tasty nutritious meals that you need to consider.
6. Asparagus benefits to Prevent Sudden Heart Attack
For patients with coronary heart disease, eating asparagus will help
prevent sudden cardiac arrest. Heart attacks among others caused by damage to the blood vessels by homocysteine.
If the blood vessels are damaged,
oxygen intake will be reduced and heart
attacks ensued.
7. Asparagus Efficacy to Maintain Blood Sugar Levels Remain Stable
Vegetables Asparagus
calories and carbohydrates low. Therefore, suitable
to be consumed by people who are
low-calorie diet or diabetics (experiencing hyperglycemia).
Negative Effects Vegetables Asparagus
Asparagus, including vegetables that contain a
lot of purines (purine). Most people think that
purine only in the innards and culinary nautical
(seafood). In fact, green vegetables also contain purines, although not all
of them.
Elevated levels of purines will cause uric acid (gout).
This disease is one type of arthritis that commonly
attacks the mature
individual. To avoid
increased levels of uric acid in the blood, gout
sufferers should avoid eating asparagus
for the disease does not recur.
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