At the time this blog entry, I will explain about the power of “word of
mouth” marketing. This word is not foreign to us, we often hear that the strategy
of word of mouth to be one effective way of marketing a product. the key to this
strategy is the consumer.
Consumer targeting crosshairs of a product actually has a huge potential to
market the product being marketed. Consumers like a virus that can spread very
quickly which was originally initiated by only one person who has an extensive
network, to give effect to the marketing of a product. Recommendations and
marketing "word of mouth".
So when the product has a positive value will have a tremendous opportunity to recommend consumers to
other consumers, and vice versa when the product was thrown into the market are
considered to have a negative value, it will get negative publicity by consumers. Even the results of a research institute
for the research
showing the negative (Negative Word of Mouth,
NWOM) has a spread
rate is greater than the positive things (Positive
Word of Mouth, PWOM).
Based on the research results of the average consumer
in a positive premises
told to 7 people,
while the negative to 11 people.
In the Word of Mouth Marketing
activities, manufacturers can take advantage of the potential
customers to contribute to changing consumer becomes
positive attitudes toward the product
being marketed. These customers are profitable talkers
who have influence
and a network large enough
to influence other consumers to be
positive, try and buy the product.
By looking at the influence of the power of word of mouth marketing, the manufacturer of a product
needs to be more focus
on running the Word of Mouth
Marketing. Making our customers talk
about (do the talking), promoting (do
the promotion) and
sell (do the selling).
In addition the
company should be able to
control the pace of this
marketing strategy and can also always
try to give a positive impression
of the quality of products or services, so
that people also talk about the positive things that can improve the marketing
of their products and enhance
their corporate image in the eyes of the public.
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